Financial Assistance Program

Title 59, Ohio Revised Code, requires each County Veterans Service Commission to establish and administer a financial assistance program. Each county develops its own policies and guidelines regarding financial assistance and is not bound by the policies of any other county.
In Monroe County, a veteran may be eligible for assistance in the following areas:
- Rent or Mortgage Payments
- Utility Payments (excluding cable TV, satellite, telephone)
- Food/Fuel Assistance
- Some Home Repairs
- Some Auto Repairs
The Veterans Service Commission has developed a set of guidelines that are applied to every applicant. It is applied across the board, however exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Commission based on an individual situation.
This program is for temporary, emergency financial assistance. It is not a long-term assistance program and it is not a subsidy program.
Every applicant for financial assistance is required to complete a formal application and provide a complete financial disclosure for all members of his/her household and their gross monthly income. Failure to provide all required information will result in denial of assistance until that information is provided.
What is required for the financial assistance program:
- Certificate of Release or Discharge (DD214)
- Dependent social security numbers and dates of birth
- Marriage certificate
- Verification of all income (check stubs and/or bank statements) for all adults in the household for the previous calendar month to date
- Copy of all bills/leases to be paid
- Verification of employment (pay stub satisfies this requirement)
- ODJFS Verification if unemployed
Please complete the Financial Assistance Application and bring any accompanying verification to meet with the Veteran Service Officer to complete the application process.
Please contact our office for any and all financial emergencies.